• Program 2008-09

Sustainable Living - Personal Responsibility and the Planet


February 10, 2009


6-8 pm


NYU Center for Global Affairs Woolworth Building, 15 Barclay Street (Enter on Barclay Street) New York, NY. (Please present ID at Ground Floor Reception.) Subways - 2,3 at Park Place 4,5,6 at City Hall

This panel will focus on the actions which every individual can take to make a difference in impacting global environmental challenges such as climate change. The challenge of creating a sustainable world has often been framed as an engineering problem which can be addressed with proper technology or as an issue of economic incentives and market pricing. Governmental regulations are developed through a public policy process which should represent and balance the needs of all stakeholders. While these top-down approaches are necessary and important, are they sufficient to bring about change at the scale needed to save our planet? How can we think about the connection between our actions as individuals, families and communities and the global issues of sustainability? What role can ethics and faith play in making this connection?


Steve Godeke, Principal, Godeke Consulting


Colin Beavan, Steven Greenberg