Jazmin Burgess
Jazmin Burgess is a Climate Change Policy Specialist with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), based in New York. In this role she works on UNDP’s engagement in global climate policy processes including the UNFCCC negotiations and Sustainable Development Goals, as well as on UNDP global support to national capacity building initiatives on climate change in developing countries, including LDCs and SIDs. Currently, Jazmin’s work is focused on UNDP’s engagement in the COP 21 process and work to support national post 2015 climate action in developing countries. Prior to joining UNDP, Jazmin worked for UNICEF on climate change and disaster risk reduction policy looking particularly at the vulnerability of children and women to climate change and disasters, and based in various locations including Hanoi, London and Geneva. Jazmin previously coordinated the UK government/civil society working group on UNFCCC negotiations and has been engaged and participated in the UNFCCC process since COP 15 in Copenhagen in 2009. She has written publications on child and gender sensitive climate change policy, and has spoken in UK and Vietnamese parliament, UNFCCC negotiations and delivered talks at Cambridge University. Prior to joining the UN, Jazmin held roles on research and policy with the UK government and on gender policy for Amnesty International.Jazmin has a Masters’ Degree in International Development from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology with International Relations, also from LSE. In 2002, she was awarded a global academic achievement recognition award from Harvard University.