GHG Emissions Management, Carbon Calculators and Offsets
- The Greenhouse Gas Protocol
- Consumer Guide to Carbon Offsets PDF
- Conservation International
- The Nature Conservancy
- Carbon Fund
- Personal Emissions Calculator (EPA)
- Google Gadgets - Footprint Calculator
- Planning Environmentally Aware Events (EPA)
- One Stop Information Source for Green Meetings (EPA)
- Meeting Professionals International
- Green Meetings Policy PDF (NRC)
- Meeting Planner's Questionnaire (Green Hotel Association)
- Energy Star for Hospitality (EPA)
- Green Hotels Association
- Green Hotel Certification
- Green Hotel Initiative (Ceres)
- Green Leaf Eco-Rating for Lodging Program (Canada)
- International Hotels Environmental Initiative
- Lodgings Certification Program (GreenSeal)
- Minimum Standards Towards a Sustainable Hotel PDF
- Sustainable Travel
- US Green Buildings Council
- A Blueprint for Building an Employee Commute Program
- Driving Green tips
- Best Workplaces for Commuters
- Green Commuting Handbook PDF
- Clean Air Council
- NuRide - The Rewarding Way to Go
Purchasing Guides
- Better World Club
- Green Suites International - products
- Centre for the New American Dream
- The Enterprising Kitchen
- Environmental Choice Program (Canada)
- Ecolabelling Programs and Resources (Oceans Blue Foundation)
- Greening the Lodging Industry Projects (Green Seal)
- Living Oceans Initiative (Audubon Society)
- Marine Stewardship Council
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch
- Purchasing Database of Environmental Information (EPA)
- RecycleBank - Rewards for Recycling
- Ten Thousand Villages
- TransFair USA